The Ashland City Police Department keeps records of all incident reports, crash reports, and citations. If you ever need a copy of any listed previously, then come to the police department to obtain a copy. Copies of police reports are available at the office for 0.15 cents black & white and $1.00 for a picture.
Incident Reports
All incident reports are completed by the officer that answered the call for service. Usually the report is completed by the end of their shift. However, If the officers receives heavy call volume, then the reports are not always completed the same day. Please be patient, and allow officers 72 hours to complete reports. If you want to know if your incident report is complete, please call the police department.
Crash Reports
All crash reports that requires a state report will be completed by the officer on scene. If the crash does not require a state report, then an operations report (incident report) will be completed. The operations reports can be picked up at the police department the same as incident report.
Crashes that require a state report will be completed on a separate data base. Please let the department know that it is a crash report. Please allow 5-7 business days for crash reports to be completed. The reports have to go up the chain of command and approved by the state.
Traffic Citations
All citations are uploaded once the officer syncs the e-citation machine to the charging dock. If you have any questions about the citation or if you need a copy, please contact the Municipal Court.